SHADE Weekly Newsletter July 11- July 15

This week was extremely busy for the SHADE Interns and partners.  This was the final week to sort through, edit and change any project areas for the Waipahu Community Meeting on Wednesday, July 13.

On Monday, Jason Demarco, from Ferraro Choi, stopped by to share to the interns the Legible City.  This presentation focused on the work of Kevin Lynch and how we can "read" cities.  He shared his ideas and interpretations on the different Districts, Nodes, Landmarks, Paths and Edges of a city and how the interns can identify them when further researching Waipahu.

Wednesday was the big night, as it was the Waipahu Community Meeting hosted by the City and County of Honolulu Department of Planning and Permitting Transit-Oriented Development.  Leading the discussion was Andrew Tang, where he presented some of the intern project ideas moving forward into the Waipahu Action Plan.  During this time, community members and stakeholders were able to give their feedback towards the project, as well as help the DPP and PBR Hawaii move forward.