SHADE Summer Institute Mentors Wanted

Our purpose:

  1. Implement proactive low or at-cost and pro-bono community based action planning and design services to solve short and long-term problems in the built environment.
  2. Provide dedicated PID training among emerging and seasoned professionals in urban planning/design, architecture and environmental design in a project-based setting.
  3. Serve as a collaborative entity for individual planning/design professionals, firms and the construction industry to give back to their communities.

SHADE stands for Sustainable, Humanitarian, Architecture and Design for the Earth. It is a Hawaii-based Public Interest Design (PID) professional practice initiative to help create a more sustainable, resilient and humane built environment in tropical and subtropical cities worldwide.

We are looking for mentors for our 2015 Summer Institute Program to help guide our interns in their design analysis and research of Honolulu Chinatown, if you are interested contact us at