Community Design Workshop 3.2

The second Riverwalk Community Design Workshop of 2024 took place at Halewai’olu Senior Residences. There were 30 people in attendance, half of which were tenants at Halewai’olu.

The meeting began with a presentation from SHADE fellows about local site conditions, and information gathered in the last workshop, and ended with an introduction of two design concepts.

Click on the slide to scroll through the presentation.

Concept 1: Rebuild and Revitalize

This concept takes the spirit of the original 1969 plan and brings it into this century. Restores to its original plan while making necessary improvements and adding great new spaces.

Concept 2: Naturalizing the Stream

This concept brings the stream back to its origins before the walls were built. By naturalizing the edge the site is able to be somewhat restored to its pre-contact nature in a post-contact context.

After the presentation, guests were divided into two groups, and SHADE fellows heard from those in attendance about their opinions on the proposed design, current issues on site, and future developments they wished to see.

Community Design Workshop 3.1

On July 23rd, 2024 SHADE met with 27 community stakeholders, including Karen Chang First Lady of Honolulu, Michael Formby, Managing Director at the Mayor’s office, Krishna Daiaran Deputy Managing Director, Dori Amano Mutsui and Keith Nishimura from the Department of Parks and Recreation, Senator Carol Fukunaga, as well as reps from American Savings Bank, Federal Credit Union, Chinatown Cultural Plaza, Izumo Taishakyo, Kukui Children’s Foundation, Halewai’olu Senior Residences, and Kukui Gardens.

The meeting began with a presentation from Mayor Rick Blangiardi summarizing the history, efforts, and importance of revitalizing the Riverwalk. You can find the summary below.

Followed by a presentation about SHADE’s past work in Chinatown and the Riverwalk and recently collected data about the site.

Click on the arrows to scroll through the presentation.

After the presentation, SHADE held a survey to gather demographics about the meeting participants. The results of which are shown below.

Click on the arrows to scroll through the results.

Lastly SHADE fellows briefly met with community members to hear their thoughts on the site and what they wanted for future developments. The findings of which will influence future design.

River Walk Community Design Workshop 2.2

Following the June 2018 Community Design Workshop, SHADE Institute organized the River Walk Community Design Workshop 2.2 to provide conceptual design recommendations to community members and stakeholders that seek to address issues brought up at the previous workshop.

river walk design vignettes

Concept Design Maps

design charrette activity

To collect input on the concept designs, the workshop included a design charrette activity, which divided guests into groups for each of the design focuses. Community members were asked to comment on the design concepts and provide their own input on improving the River Walk. Using cut-out pictures of public amenities such as street lights and benches, each group placed these cut-outs onto the concept maps to add more specified capital investment recommendations. Among the different cut-outs, lighting were placed the most among the three groups.

design charrette results.png

Amongst the 22 workshop participants were the Honorary Mayor Joseph Young,  Former State Senator Susie Chun-Oakland, AARP representatives Jackie Boland, Wes Fong from CCA, as well as reps from Hawaii Federal Credit Union, American Savings Bank, Chinatown Cultural Plaza, Izuma Taisha, and Lum Sai Ho Tong.

Click on the slide to scroll through the presentation.