The second Riverwalk Community Design Workshop of 2024 took place at Halewai’olu Senior Residences. There were 30 people in attendance, half of which were tenants at Halewai’olu.
The meeting began with a presentation from SHADE fellows about local site conditions, and information gathered in the last workshop, and ended with an introduction of two design concepts.

Click on the slide to scroll through the presentation.
Concept 1: Rebuild and Revitalize
This concept takes the spirit of the original 1969 plan and brings it into this century. Restores to its original plan while making necessary improvements and adding great new spaces.

Concept 2: Naturalizing the Stream
This concept brings the stream back to its origins before the walls were built. By naturalizing the edge the site is able to be somewhat restored to its pre-contact nature in a post-contact context.

After the presentation, guests were divided into two groups, and SHADE fellows heard from those in attendance about their opinions on the proposed design, current issues on site, and future developments they wished to see.